ENGLISH WPG - What to expect?
❤ Perfecting your English language and presenting skills

❤ A-levels in WPG English with only 9 to 12 topics possible (instead of 18 like in the main subject) – with English being necessary for nearly all foreign language universities (Im WPG Englisch ist die mündliche Matura in Englisch mit nur 9 bis 12 Themenbereichen möglich anstelle von 18 Themenbereichen wie im Hauptfach – und dabei ist Englisch für fast alle fremdsprachigen Universitäten Voraussetzung.)
❤ Getting to know application processes at English speaking universities - information on studying at universities in English speaking countries and possible entry requirements – personal experience from a teacher at BG Gallus who quite recently graduated from King’s College London

❤ No written tests – oral work only
❤ Speeches by inspirational people like Greta Thunberg, Michelle Obama, Steve Jobs, … and many more will be watched and discussed

❤ TED talks by outstanding experts in their area of studies, like Amy Cuddy, Lera Boroditsky, Julien S. Bourrelle, Brené Brown and many more on all kinds of topis …

❤ Current global topics – issues and questions the world is talking about right nowCurrent global topics – issues and questions the world is talking about right now

❤ Experts will be invited to class (on topics like Brexit or Journalism or others)
❤ Films, films, films, … (e.g. Garden State, Food, Inc., Super Size Me, Juno, L.A. Crash, Romeo and Juliet, Wag the Dog, Little Miss Sunshine, The Crown (series), … and many more)
❤ Your FINAL MARKS will consist of oral work only:
-50% participation (MITARBEIT)
-40%: one big 8-10min presentation
-10% one short presentation – alone or as a group depending on the work we do
❤ Talking, talking, talking – English only of course!
❤ Learn how to debate – as the English do in debating societies/clubs at schools and universities (e.g. the Cambridge Union, the Oxford Union)

And later on in Westminster 😉

❤ A huge variety of topics – such as …
… body language, climate change, racism and prejudices, cultural glasses, family and relationships, debating societies, food/nutrition, politics, American politics and elections – Trumpism, branches of government, literature and books, universities abroad, application processes at foreign universities, Brexit (What does it mean for you as future students in the English speaking world?), festivals/music, youth – growing up, people of the year by Time Magazine, Shakespearean plays, modern plays, short stories, … and many, many more …